Folke Sjöberg
Folke Sjöberg (MD, PhD, Professor) is a senior consultant in anesthesiology/intensive care and a professor of intensive care and burn surgery. Folke has 40 years of experience within his field of expertise and has served as primary investigator in 250+ clinical trials, ranging from phase I-IV.
Folke has been with CTC since the start in 2011 and is one of CTC’s founders and owners.
Latest publications
European Burns Association guidelines for the management of burn mass casualty incidents within a European response plan 26 January, 2023
Erector spinae plane block versus paravertebral block in analgesic outcomes following breast surgery 11 January, 2023
A prospective dual-centre intra-individual controlled study for the treatment of burns comparing dermis graft with split-thickness skin auto-graft 15 December, 2022
Experimental study of the effects of nitroglycerin, botulinum toxin A, and clopidogrel on bipedicled superficial inferior epigastric artery flap survival 3 December, 2022
Burn mass casualty incidents in Europe: A European response plan within the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism 20 August, 2022
A Systematic Review of Keratinocyte Secretions: A Regenerative Perspective 27 July, 2022
Fast versus slow infusion of 20% albumin: a randomized controlled cross-over trial in volunteers 18 July, 2022
In vivo dose-response analysis to acetylcholine: pharmacodynamic assessment by polarized reflectance spectroscopy 22 April, 2022