Customer Relations
In a first meeting with a client our operationally involved Customer Relations team aim for a transparent, scientific and productive discussion. From the start of protocol writing to final reporting, our committed, multi-disciplinary team will provide professional services to you as a client.
”We believe in a transparent and productive first meeting”
To send a request for proposal or if you are interested in meeting us to discuss your upcoming study, please fill in the form or email the below.

Senior Scientific Advisor/Pharmacokineticist
Bengt Dahlström
40+ years of experience from leading positions in pharmaceutical companies and CRO:s. Assoc. prof in pharmacokinetics and drug therapy.
+46 (0)70-810 85 87

Manager Customer Relations
Charlotte Ersson
20 years of clinical research experience including project management, clinical work, study coordination and management. MSc in nursing.
+46 (0)76-868 16 61